Thirty Days of Genius – Recap

I made it!  Thirty days, thirty pieces of writing created from a prompt of three words.  Some I liked, some I didn’t, but I made it through and that was the goal.  I ended up creating more words than I would need. Here are the unused words:

ocean, woman, man, hatred, trails, mountain, shoelaces, tree, summer, Japan, lottery, gravy, plaza, duplicate, pants

I’m considering continuing with some sort of daily writing exercise, so let me know if you enjoyed this month-long peek inside my brain.

Now I’m gearing up for NaNo because November 1 is just two weeks from today.  I still don’t have any solid idea of what I’m going to write.  A couple of the story snippets I posted for the days of genius really appealed to me, so I might use them in the novel.  Or I could always write a sequel to last year’s novel.  Either way, I’m sure that on November 1, I’ll be writing something.

I’m thinking about posting my NaNo novel as I write it, but I’m not sure I’m that brave.   After all, the order of the day for NaNo is velocity, and the novel I wrote last year is in pretty bad shape.  A few hundred words a day with each day being unrelated is one thing, but nearly 2,000 words a day that are supposed to form a cohesive novel is something entirely different.

1 thought on “Thirty Days of Genius – Recap”

  1. Well, I made it. I finally caught up on the thirty days of genious. I really did enjoy them, so much so that I am going to ask RC to download a book onto my I phone. I forget how great it is to read for fun.

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