I’m Alive! With Photo Proof and Everything!

I’m alive, I’ve just been super busy trying to crank out as many words as possible on book two. I’m behind schedule, but I’ve had three good writing days in a row, so I’m taking a short break.

Polaris Rising continues to move through the publishing steps. Most recently, I received feedback from the proofreader that I needed to address. So now it’s been looked at by me, agent, editor, copyeditor, and proofreader. I think we might be done at this point, but I thought that after copyeditor, too, so it’ll be a surprise one way or the other. :)

Because we’re inching ever closer to release, Voyager needed an author photo of me for their catalog. If you’ve seen my social media photo, you’ll notice it’s a snapshot of me that I ran through a Prisma filter. Not exactly professional enough to use in a book catalog.

I looked at having professional photos taken, but professional photographers are expensive and I am cheap. Of course, I’ve never looked better than I did in my wedding photos, so professional photographers are professionals for a reason. But $500 for a single photo felt a little steep when I could use that money toward the upcoming RWA conference.

I have a fairly nice camera that I bought for a trip to Peru last year and I have some basic photoshop skills. I also have a very patient husband who agreed to take a thousand photos (okay, not quite, but it was a lot) until I found one I liked.

So, behold, my new author photo!

Jessie Mihalik Author Photo

I think it turned out nice and maybe no one will notice that a professional didn’t take it.

I will probably update some of my social media when I have time, but I might keep the current photo for Twitter because I think my hair looks super cute. Speaking of… I probably need to schedule a haircut before RWA. Bleh.

P.S. I’m on BookBub now! I don’t know what I’m doing, but if you have an account you can follow me or something? Let’s figure it out together! :)

9 thoughts on “I’m Alive! With Photo Proof and Everything!”

  1. Fan in California

    I think the photo turned out GREAT!!! You could take your husband to a very nice dinner as a thank you for his efforts . . . . And still save money!!! ?

  2. Dear Jessie,
    Thank you for the ‘proof of life’ -lol. You look completely lovely in your photo. Your husbands efforts are worthy of a best selling authors book jacket. Congratulations on everything coming together so beautifully! It’s starting to feel “real” isn’t it? I pray you every joy possible in the process; you deserve it.
    Warm Regards, Regina

  3. I love your picture!
    It looks professionally done to me, definitely reward your patient husband!
    I am waiting (but not very patiently) for Polaris Rising to come out, I hope everything’s all squared away now. Good luck!

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