Exciting News!

I know it’s been radio silence around here, but that’s because I was working on something SUPER SECRET, and today the secret is out!


Author of Polaris Rising, Jessie Mihalik's HUNTED pitched as a gender-switched MANDALORIAN but with romance, featuring a fierce intergalactic bounty hunter, her motley crew, and a grim former foe who's hiding more than a few secrets to Tessa Woodward at Voyager, in a good deal, in a three-book deal, for publication in January 2022, by Sarah Younger at the Nancy Yost Literary Agency (world).

If you don’t know what you’re looking at, this is the Publisher’s Marketplace (the book industry’s deal news source) screenshot of MY NEW BOOK DEAL!!! 🎉🎉🎉

Tessa Woodward, my absolutely amazing editor at Harper Voyager, has agreed to do three more books with me! I am delighted that I get to continue working with her and the team at Voyager because as far as I’m concerned, they’re the best in the business. :)

This will be a completely new series, set in a new world, but it’s still science fiction romance. What follows is VERY EARLY info, so it’s subject to change.

The first book, tentatively titled HUNTED, will follow Octavia Zarola, a tough bounty-hunter hiding a soft heart, and her sworn enemy, Torran Fletcher. It’ll be a true enemies-to-lovers, with a few other surprises thrown in. I’ve written a little bit of it to get a feel for the world/characters, and it’s going to be so fun! I love Tavi’s crew, who’ll feature in the second and third books.

I’m usually not a plotter (at all), but when you’re making a proposal for a new series, the publisher wants more than “uhhh… it’s a space romance,” so I know more than usual about these characters already.

Do you want a tiny, tiny peek? Shhh, don’t tell anyone. ;)

Rough draft, unedited, subject to completely change! This is their first meeting. I’ve removed a few spoilery things (I have to keep some secrets), but they’re in a space station landing bay and Octavia is leaning against her ship’s cargo ramp, watching as Torran’s group goes around and talks to various other ship captains.

The group leader raised an eyebrow. He was all hard angles and harsh beauty. Sharp cheekbones, strong jaw, straight nose.

Behind him waited three soldiers, all in full armor—including the battle helmets that covered their faces. I couldn’t tell if they expected trouble to find them or if they were prepared to be the trouble.

“Are you the captain of this ship?” the leader asked in lightly-accented Common.

I straightened away from the ramp. I wasn’t particularly tall, and I had to look up to meet his eyes, which added an annoyed bite to my tone. “Yes.”

“I am Torran Fletcher. I want to hire you.”

Now I understood why all of his previous conversations were so short. This one would be, too. “No.”

“Why not?”

“I’m a bounty hunter. I hunt criminals and murderers; I don’t work for them.” And I especially didn’t work for one of the top Valovian generals who’d led the war against the Federated Human Planets. No wonder he’d looked familiar. He’d been one of our priority targets, but as far as we knew, he’d never been anywhere near the front lines. Disgust pulled at my lips. Coward.

His piercing gaze seared me. “I know you. Lieutenant Octavia Zarola, hero of Rodeni,” he mocked before his expression hardened. “Slaughterer of thousands. You are worth a lot in Valovian space.”

My palms itched with the desire to grip a weapon. The enemy stood at my door and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it unless I wanted to cause an intergalactic incident. Which I did, very much. But the thought of my crew stayed my hand. I couldn’t go and get myself killed for a vengeance that was three years too late, not when people still depended on me.

Ooohhh… drama. LOL. I hope you enjoyed the tiny snippet. :) Happy Valentine’s Day!

A Weekend Off and the Creator’s Dilemma

Venting post ahead, you’ve been warned. :)

Despite having a mountain of Things to Do™, I took this weekend off. I haven’t had a completely lazy weekend since… hmm. I don’t remember, but it’s been months.

Mr M was off yesterday, so we had a three-day weekend. We did a little bit of house stuff, but mostly we slept in and played Borderlands 3. We bought the game back in September, but we never got a chance to play because we were too busy. It’s fun! If you liked the previous games in the series, you’ll like this one, too.

But while I took the weekend off, my brain didn’t. All weekend I felt low-level guilt for taking a break and having fun rather than doing something productive. I think this is a creator’s dilemma. There is pressure, both internal and external, to do more, faster.

For a while, that pressure can be harnessed to produce content. But live it too long, and it’s a one-way ticket to burnout city. I’m not there, but there is a certain dread every time I open up Scrivener. I know I’m behind and that gets in the way of writing, which puts me further behind. It’s a vicious cycle.

And I know I’m supposed to be writing a proposal for a new series, which should’ve been done months ago and isn’t. Argh.

So while I’m technically not under deadline anymore, my brain thinks I am, and I can’t relax. But the only way out is through* (for me, something else may be better for you!), so I’m going to turn on some music and make some words for our Rogue Queen. Wish me luck!

And lest you think it’s all doom and gloom in house Mihalik, I have two pieces of good news to end with. :) One, we got an offer on our old house the day we listed it. Yay! And two, my editor just sent me an all-caps squee about the changes I made to Chaos Reigning. She likes it! Huzzah!

*Or become a hermit. But since I like our new house, I’m going to go with through. :)

Chaos Reigning Edits Are Done!

I sent off the edited manuscript to my editor this morning. For those of you who like big books, it grew by about 6k in edits, making it just slightly longer than AB.

Assuming my editor likes all of the changes, it will move to copyediting and then page proofs and then release! It comes out May 19, but you can get a sneak peek and preorder links over on the book page.

Now I have to turn around and start working on the next Rogue Queen novella. I’m still hoping to start posting at the end of the month, but that depends on what happens with CR, because contracted stuff takes priority.

But maybe first, a nap. :)

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I hope your holidays are filled with joy, delight, and hope.

I spent the day with family, eating too much and enjoying the beautiful weather. We are lucky because Mr M and I grew up in the same small town, and our parents still live close to each other, so we get to see both sets at Christmas. I also got to spend time with my nephews who are super adorable and I don’t get to see often enough. We built this cool Mario gingerbread house:

I hope your holiday was Mario gingerbread house good! :) Best wishes for 2020!

The Next Rogue Queen Serial is Delayed :(

Let’s rip this bandaid off fast: the next Rogue Queen serial is going to be delayed by a month or so. I was hoping to start it by the end of the year, but edits for Chaos Reigning just landed. And while my editor liked the story overall (yay! always a relief), it needs a few fairly big edits and not a lot of time to complete them.

All of the house stuff and moving has put me super behind schedule. Usually, at this point in December, I’d have about 5-10k of the serial written already, because I need to be a little ahead of what is posted due to my writing style (aka go back and change earlier things as I write).

Let’s just say that I am nowhere near that mark. :(

That means if I started posting around Christmas as I planned, the updates would be short, sporadic, and lower quality than I would like. So, delayed it is. I’m so sorry. I know a lot of you are looking forward to the third book—it’s one of the things people email me about the most.

Edits are due mid-January, so depending on how they go, the serial will hopefully start late January.

As a small consolation, and to give you something to look forward to, book three has a title: The Queen’s Triumph. And here’s a peek at Samara:

For those of you who wait for the published ebook, this shouldn’t affect that schedule. Right now, it is tentatively scheduled for late summer.

I won’t be around too much while editing, so I hope you all have a great holiday season! See you in 2020!

(Also, where did this year go? If anyone sees my missing months lying around, please return them.)