Birthday Week

My birthday is this week, so I’m celebrating with my annual Birthday Week™. It mainly involves me singing “It’s my birthday!” to myself at random times throughout the week.

Rona kind of put a damper on any kind of celebration, but my bff came over and brought Italian cream cake and wine for a patio chat, so it wasn’t all bad.

This is my last year in my thirties. Honestly, I thought I’d feel more grown up by now, but I don’t. I certainly have my shit together more than I did when I was a baby fresh out of college, but I don’t feel older.

At least I don’t until I hurt myself by sleeping wrong. Then I feel about 110.

The last few years have been especially fabulous. I have five books out, three of them with a big publisher. And I completed my first trilogy! My author copies for CR came in, and the books are so pretty together. 😍

I also have a new trilogy under contract, which is another dream come true. Maybe I can make this writing thing work for me, which is very much not guaranteed, even with a publisher. But I can keep writing because all of you lovely people read my books, so thank you! You made the last year of my thirties a memorable one. 💕

And if you want to give yourself a present for my birthday, I suggest taking some time to read! If you need something new, check out my books and my recommendations for books I loved. Happy reading!

21 thoughts on “Birthday Week”

  1. Happiest of birthdays! I’m so glad you’re doing well with your writing (because it’s awesome to be successful and also because I love reading your work). I’m heading into my last year of the 30s myself soon and it is a strange place – I don’t feel that old until I look around and see all this kids running around and realize they’re actually (mini) adults.

    So looking forward to the next trilogy!

    1. Yes, I’ve never felt older than when I walked through a college campus a couple of years ago and realized that people in their late teens/early twenties looked like literal children to me. I would’ve guessed they were all early high schoolers, not, as you said, mini adults.

  2. Happy Birthday and may you have many more. This is not a totally altruistic wish since you can only keep writing your wonderful stories if you have many more birthdays. Also, you may find your 40’s not so hard to take as you might think. You will still be young enough to try new things, but old enough (hopefully) to not jump off a building because you are certain you can fly. Write instead of jumping..the landing is softer.
    Best Wishes.

      1. I am sure they will be. It is all a state of mind. I turned 69 last May and next year is the birthday I am truly dreading but I will do the best I can. When I need to, I reread a favorite author. You are one. Thank you.

    1. Happy birthday! I’m almost exactly 10 years older than you (I turn 49 next week) and I have to tell you, most days I think I’m 16. Then I walk down stairs and my knees remind me that I’m actually considerably older than that :) .

      Personally I found 40s to be incredible and I hope you do too. Here’s to many more years and many more books!

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