Badass Hero

When a woman inherits her great-uncle’s fortune, she didn’t expect his extended family to attempt to marry her off to a revolting cousin. When she draws an ancient, enchanted sword in an attempt to defend herself, she’s as surprised as anyone when a handsome man emerges from thin air to act as her champion. A delight!

A soft, slow romance between a supersolider who thinks he’s dying and a woman whose incredible brain is worth millions of credits—if it doesn’t kill her. Tons of gentle longing, found family feels, and hope in a harsh, post-apocalyptic world. I loved it!

Full disclosure: The duo behind Kit Rocha and I are friends. :)

A smart, badass heroine with a core of hope and kindness meets a jaded, honorable, super-soldier who is so very, very conflicted. Delicious in every way, I adored this one!

Want more super-soldier goodness? Check out Ashwin.

Full disclosure: The duo behind Kit Rocha and I are friends, but that doesn’t make their books any less awesome. :)