
The Queen’s Gambit Audiobook!

I’ve been sitting on this news for a while (though my newsletter subscribers got an early hint), but I’ve sold the audiobook rights for The Queen’s Gambit and The Queen’s Advantage to Tantor Media!

The Queen's Gambit Audiobook cover featuring a woman with a gun with planets behind her.

Not only that, but The Queen’s Gambit audiobook is already available! If audiobooks are your jam, now you have the option and you don’t even have to wait. :)

As you may know, I find it deeply strange to listen to my own audiobooks, but the few seconds I heard sounded good. 😂

Rachel Dulude narrates and she’s narrated many, many fabulous books.

I don’t know when the audiobook of The Queen’s Advantage will be available, but it will very likely be after the ebook release, because I just sent final edits in to my agent late last night. 🎉🎉🎉

TQA now clocks in at just over 52k, so it’s firmly out of novella territory. The serial was about 42k, which means I added around 10k during edits. This wasn’t a massively different rewrite like the end of the TQG, but there were definitely some changes and lots of deepening of the various scenes.

I hope you all enjoy the new words!

Do you want to ensure you don’t miss the new, improved TQA? You can preorder from your favorite retailer now! 😉

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play

Aurora Blazing is on Edelweiss+

Today was the day for lots of Aurora Blazing news, as it turns out. Page proofs landed this afternoon and reviewers, bloggers, librarians, etc can now request a review copy on Edelweiss+.

Want a sneak peek at the formatted book? Of course you do! 😉 Here’s the title page and the first page of chapter one. Reminder: you can read all of chapter one over on the book page.

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo
Google Play | IndieBound

It’s always a bit scary, launching a new book into the unknown, but I hope you love Bianca as much as I do. And as much as Bree does. She’s half of NYT bestselling author Kit Rocha and incredibly, incredibly kind. Here’s what she said on Twitter:

TQA Edits Finished

This afternoon, I sent the edits for The Queen’s Advantage to my lovely agent for review. The manuscript grew by about 7k words, up to just under 50k. This edit was the most difficult I’ve done, and I’m not entirely sure why. Part of it is because I’m under deadline for book three, so everything is stressful, but this book just did not want to be edited.

I think it’s improved, but I’m so close to it and so tired that I’m not even sure anymore. :/

I feel like I need to get some beta feedback, but I’m under too much of a time crunch to do an open beta call. So if you’ve beta read for me in the past and want to have another go, or if I’ve specifically said I’m putting your name on the list, then send me an email with the subject line “TQA Beta” and I’ll get you a copy.

As before, you need to be able to electronically mark up a PDF. I need feedback by the end of the month at the latest, so please only email if that works with your schedule.

In return for this thankless job, you’ll have my eternal love and a mention in the acknowledgments. :)

Everyone else: please don’t email me. I’m not adding anyone this round. I’ll do another open call at some point, but I just don’t have the capacity to do it right now. I have to make many, many words on book three.

So many.

Aurora Blazing Chapter One

TL;DR: The first chapter of Aurora Blazing. Happy reading! :)

This weekend was a busy one. We saw Endgame on Saturday and it was awesome. I highly recommend it. We’ll have to chat about it in a few weeks after everyone has a chance to see it, so DO NOT SPOILER IT.

If you drop spoilers in the comments, I’ll remove them and put you in moderation until you prove you can be trusted. I managed to see it spoiler-free and everyone should have that chance. If you want spoilers, I’m sure you can find them elsewhere. :)

Aurora Blazing Cover

I also made it through the first pass on my copyedits for Aurora Blazing this weekend. Yesterday was a marathon of over twenty chapters. My brain is mush.

If you mosey over to the book page, you’ll find the first chapter and preorder links. It comes out in October, and I would love for you to preorder it if you are able. Preorder numbers are super helpful!

It always surprises me just how many mistakes are in my manuscripts. I feel like I turn out fairly clean drafts, but there’s nothing like a copyeditor to take your ego down a peg or seventy.

Last night we watched Game of Thrones, and this season has decided to bring it. I can’t believe it’s going to be wrapped up in just three more episodes. I’m still waiting for the Red-Wedding-esque other shoe to drop. If anything, this show has taught me not to care for anyone too deeply, but I did cheer when [SPOILER] [SPOILERED]. :)

This week, I have edits for The Queen’s Advantage on deck. I also need to be adding words to book three at a high velocity. Once book three is done, I’m taking a month off to binge books, play video games, and lie on the sofa. Or so I tell myself. :)