Exciting News!

I know it’s been radio silence around here, but that’s because I was working on something SUPER SECRET, and today the secret is out!


Author of Polaris Rising, Jessie Mihalik's HUNTED pitched as a gender-switched MANDALORIAN but with romance, featuring a fierce intergalactic bounty hunter, her motley crew, and a grim former foe who's hiding more than a few secrets to Tessa Woodward at Voyager, in a good deal, in a three-book deal, for publication in January 2022, by Sarah Younger at the Nancy Yost Literary Agency (world).

If you don’t know what you’re looking at, this is the Publisher’s Marketplace (the book industry’s deal news source) screenshot of MY NEW BOOK DEAL!!! 🎉🎉🎉

Tessa Woodward, my absolutely amazing editor at Harper Voyager, has agreed to do three more books with me! I am delighted that I get to continue working with her and the team at Voyager because as far as I’m concerned, they’re the best in the business. :)

This will be a completely new series, set in a new world, but it’s still science fiction romance. What follows is VERY EARLY info, so it’s subject to change.

The first book, tentatively titled HUNTED, will follow Octavia Zarola, a tough bounty-hunter hiding a soft heart, and her sworn enemy, Torran Fletcher. It’ll be a true enemies-to-lovers, with a few other surprises thrown in. I’ve written a little bit of it to get a feel for the world/characters, and it’s going to be so fun! I love Tavi’s crew, who’ll feature in the second and third books.

I’m usually not a plotter (at all), but when you’re making a proposal for a new series, the publisher wants more than “uhhh… it’s a space romance,” so I know more than usual about these characters already.

Do you want a tiny, tiny peek? Shhh, don’t tell anyone. ;)

Rough draft, unedited, subject to completely change! This is their first meeting. I’ve removed a few spoilery things (I have to keep some secrets), but they’re in a space station landing bay and Octavia is leaning against her ship’s cargo ramp, watching as Torran’s group goes around and talks to various other ship captains.

The group leader raised an eyebrow. He was all hard angles and harsh beauty. Sharp cheekbones, strong jaw, straight nose.

Behind him waited three soldiers, all in full armor—including the battle helmets that covered their faces. I couldn’t tell if they expected trouble to find them or if they were prepared to be the trouble.

“Are you the captain of this ship?” the leader asked in lightly-accented Common.

I straightened away from the ramp. I wasn’t particularly tall, and I had to look up to meet his eyes, which added an annoyed bite to my tone. “Yes.”

“I am Torran Fletcher. I want to hire you.”

Now I understood why all of his previous conversations were so short. This one would be, too. “No.”

“Why not?”

“I’m a bounty hunter. I hunt criminals and murderers; I don’t work for them.” And I especially didn’t work for one of the top Valovian generals who’d led the war against the Federated Human Planets. No wonder he’d looked familiar. He’d been one of our priority targets, but as far as we knew, he’d never been anywhere near the front lines. Disgust pulled at my lips. Coward.

His piercing gaze seared me. “I know you. Lieutenant Octavia Zarola, hero of Rodeni,” he mocked before his expression hardened. “Slaughterer of thousands. You are worth a lot in Valovian space.”

My palms itched with the desire to grip a weapon. The enemy stood at my door and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it unless I wanted to cause an intergalactic incident. Which I did, very much. But the thought of my crew stayed my hand. I couldn’t go and get myself killed for a vengeance that was three years too late, not when people still depended on me.

Ooohhh… drama. LOL. I hope you enjoyed the tiny snippet. :) Happy Valentine’s Day!

34 thoughts on “Exciting News!”

  1. Congratulations! And a lovely present – a book deal for you and more cool books for us to read 🙂
    From the snippet it sounds very tantalizing!

  2. *kitty grinning & banging paws on table*
    I want. I love this snippet. We get good glimpses of the bigger Verse & recent history. We get intriguing character insides flashed as they politely snarl at each other. Can’t wait to read when it’s ready :D

  3. Oooh, sounds so good already!
    I just finished a reread of Polaris Rising and Aurora Blazing, waiting for the third sisters book.
    I love your writing!
    (Bad for my sleeping hours!)
    I’m so glad you have more stories to tell!

  4. Pingback: Chaos Reigning Copyedits and a Snippet! – Jessie Mihalik

  5. I read the snippet and now I’m dying. I can hardly wait for Chaos Reigning and now I have to wait until 2022 for Hunted! :'(

    But congratulations once again and I can’t wait to read your stories! <3

  6. Ooo Laaa! Love! Congratulations!!! So happy you are writing more because that leads to me being able to read more!!! YAY!! Very much looking forward to more of this teaser!

  7. Pingback: Romancing the Runoff Auction – Jessie Mihalik

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